Review by Jay Sandlin, from


What Happens When an FBI Agent turned Therapist can’t stay out of his Patient’s Lives?

BlackBox comics continues a solid run of release with Psycho List, grabbing the reader’s attention from the first opening sequence and leaving them wanting more at the end of the issue. Just like a good comic is supposed to do.

“Do you know what it’s like to walk the corridor of a man’s mind? What it’s like to search his darkest desires or see his innermost feelings laid bare like an open oozing wound? To view him as an open book ready to be read like a cheap paperback novel.”

Writer, Kevin Grievoux, (Actor and screenwriter of Underworld) presents a strong characterization which feels raw and straight-forward; an overall nonchalant attitude for the art and storytelling in PL. This comic is packed with action on every page, a ton of twists and turns and hanging questions begging to be answered in future issues. The book’s hero, Priete, captures a story which is familiar while still original and depicts how haunting domestic violence can truly be, as any victims can attest.

The art and coloring mix with vibrant colors and smooth lettering to keep the reader engaged while not distracted by the art for the sake of story. They complement one another, flowing together to keep the real gritty feel of the world of PL, one of its best features.

There are many possibilities to come in future issues and questions to answer, such as “who is using who”?

This book is off-beat, well-timed, and the kind of story which makes you happy you picked up an indie comic. Make sure you add it to your pull list immediately!


10/10 for Aggressively Therapeutic Action!