Writer: Jonathan Hedrick ART: Luigi Barricelli COLORS: Ruben Curto LETTERING: DC Hopkins COVER ARTIST: Luigi Barricelli

    Published: March 29th, 2023 DIAMOND ID: ******** GENRE: Thriller, Fantasy, Horror, Action

    To tear down the wicked Queen of The Night’s wrathful rule over the Dream World once and for all, Dream Master must compromise the lives of several dreamers. But when his haphazard plan goes awry, he realizes he might have placed the entire existence of the Waking World at risk.
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  • STORY/ART: Scott McDaniel INKS: Andy Owens COLORS: Teodoro Gonzalez LETTERING: Taylor Esposito

    Published: May 17, 2017 Diamond ID: MAR171388 GENRE: Drama, Suspense

    Bank Information Technology expert Evan Adonis brings evidence of financial fraud to key bank officers who suddenly and viciously retaliate, and unknowingly delivers dangerous software to an enemy.  In the internally corrupt world of modern banking, the I.T. expert is both the most powerful asset and the most hunted liability.

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    Writer: Jonathan Hedrick ART: Luigi Barricelli COLORS: Ruben Curto LETTERING: DC Hopkins COVER ARTIST: Fabrizio Cosentino

    Published: December 28th, 2022 DIAMOND ID: ********* GENRE: Thriller, Fantasy, Horror, Action

    When a man is trapped in a frightening carnival, Dream Master must rescue the mortal’s sleeping spirit before demonic jesters can capture him. But Dream Master is shaken by a vision of his own past that may lead him to a future encounter with the mysterious Queen of The Night.
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    Writer: Eric Palicki ART: Lucas Meyer COLORS: Michael Bartolo/Adriano Augusto LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Lucas Meyer

    Published: October 26, 2022 DIAMOND ID: ******** GENRE: Action, Thriller, Horror

    Finally, with all obstacles cleared, Yuki Snow confronts his father’s ghost. With one set of Kaidan armor between father and son, only one–living or dead–will walk away.
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    Writer: Eric Palicki ART: Lucas Meyer COLORS: Michael Bartolo LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Raymond Gay

    Cover Colors: Daniel M. Chavez

    Published: August 31, 2022 DIAMOND ID: JUN221372 GENRE: Action, Thriller,

    Not even a lifetime of martial arts training and years as an elite soldier could prepare Yuki Snow for this newest challenge: CEO of his deceased father’s company. Suddenly thrust into a leadership role at YOKAI Consolidated, Yuki finds himself taking over his father’s pet project, the mysterious KAIDAN armor, which would allow its wearer to see, speak to, and touch GHOSTS.
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    Writer: Eric Palicki ART: Lucas Meyer COLORS: Michael Bartolo LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Ron Frenz

    Published: July 27, 2022 DIAMOND ID: MAY221293 GENRE: Action, Thriller, Horror

    Not even a lifetime of martial arts training and years as an elite soldier could prepare Yuki Snow for this newest challenge: CEO of his deceased father’s company. Suddenly thrust into a leadership role at YOKAI Consolidated, Yuki finds himself taking over his father’s pet project, the mysterious KAIDAN armor, which would allow its wearer to see, speak to, and touch GHOSTS.
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  • STORY/ART: Scott McDaniel INKS: Andy Owens COLORS: Teodoro Gonzalez LETTERING: Taylor Esposito

    Published: July 26, 2017 Diamond ID: MAY171206 GENRE: Drama, Suspense

    Bank Information Technology expert Evan Adonis, crushed by bank management's retaliation and threats, desperately calls federal bank regulators, law enforcement and political officials for help. Will anyone answer? In the internally corrupt world of modern banking, the I.T. expert is both the most powerful asset and the most hunted liability.

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    Writer: Bob Heyoka ART: Fabio Lima Jansen COLORS: Adriano Augusto LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Fabio Lima Jansen

    Published: January 24, 2024 DIAMOND ID: NOV231311 GENRE: Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Action, Horror

    A terrified Jim sees his partner, Rex, in the process of being murdered by demons. Jim is welcomed into the Asphodel police force where the mummified King of police gives him an eerie premonition.
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    Writer: Bob Heyoka ART: Fabio Lima Jansen COLORS: Adriano Augusto LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Fabio Lima Jansen

    Published: December 20, 2023 DIAMOND ID: OCT231573 GENRE: Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Action, Horror

    As detective Danto is showing his old partner Jim around Asphodel, the City of the Dead, they are faced with demons who want his soul. Will their newfound reunion be over before it begins?
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    Writer: Jonathan Hedrick ART: Luigi Barricelli COLORS: Ruben Curto LETTERING: DC Hopkins COVER ARTIST: Raffaele Forte

    Published: February 22nd, 2023 DIAMOND ID: DEC221181 GENRE: Thriller, Fantasy, Horror, Action

    Dream Master finally meets the Queen of The Night face-to-face! Unfortunately for Dream Master, he finds himself in a haunted domain belonging to the blackhearted sorceress. Desperate to prevent the evil empress from conquering reality, Dream Master must heedlessly enlist the help of a dreamer with a murderous history.
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    Writer: Jonathan Hedrick ART: Luigi Barricelli COLORS: Ruben Curto LETTERING: DC Hopkins COVER ARTIST: Lucas Meyer

    Cover Colors: Ylenia Di Napoli

    Published: January 25th, 2023 DIAMOND ID: NOV221334 GENRE: Thriller, Fantasy, Horror, Action

    After growing exceedingly impatient, The Queen of The Night takes matters into her own hideous hands and expedites her sinister plan to conquer the nightmare realm. Meanwhile, Dream Master must feverishly race across the twisted dreams of a familiar blind man to prevent the witch from acquiring his tortured spirit.
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    STORY: Rebecca Childs

    Writer: Brian Hawkins ART: Umberto Giampà COLORS: Martina Rossi LETTERING: Saida Temofonte COVER ARTIST: Umberto Giampà

    Published: March 30, 2022 DIAMOND ID: ******** GENRE: Action, Thriller

    Macy and Vergel attempt a daring rescue to free their boss Dr. Deja Wilder from henchmen working for the Big Game Poachers. After Deja’s return, the animal crisis manager and “fixer” sets her sights on taking down the animal predators once and for all.

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    STORY: Neil Davis ART: Gus Mauk COLORS: Michael Yakutis LETTERING: Gus Mauk COVER ARTIST: Tony Moy

    Published: February 17, 2021 DIAMOND ID: DEC201319 GENRE: Action, Adventure

    Hachiro finds himself deep inside the gauntlet to take his place among his clans Samurai.  The battles clash one after another and begin to take a toll as he loses his armor, weapons and hope. As war moves to his village's doorstep can he find the strength to continue?

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    Writer: Bob Heyoka ART: Fabio Lima Jansen COLORS: Adriano Augusto LETTERING: Dezi Sienty COVER ARTIST: Fabio Lima Jansen

    Published: November 22, 2023 DIAMOND ID: ******** GENRE: Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Action

    While investigating the death of his partner, a detective discovers a portal to the afterlife. Reunited in the underworld, they must solve the mystery of a demonic cult -- and save the city of Detroit from the forces of evil.
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  • Pre-Order Now!!! Listed #1 in CBR’s 10 Upcoming Indie Comics To Anticipate In 2021 | CBR

    STORY: Jay Sandlin

    ART: Fabrizio Cosentino

    COLORS: Fabrizio Cosentino LETTERING: Fabrizio Cosentino COVER ARTIST: Fabrizio Cosentino

    SCRIPT EDITS: Cynna Ael PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: October 13, 2021 DIAMOND ID: JUL211461 GENRE: Action, Fantasy

    What happens when Zara and Bennu crash a wedding? A groom's wish to save his bride's life transforms a village of peaceful mortals into walking undead legions. Finding and trapping the rogue Djinn is only the beginning, as Abyss arrives for the reception.
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  • Holofoil Web Exclusive! Limited to 500 Listed #1 in CBR's 10 Upcoming Indie Comics To Anticipate In 2021 | CBR

    STORY: Jay Sandlin

    ART: Fabrizio Cosentino

    COLORS: Fabrizio Cosentino LETTERING: Fabrizio Cosentino

    COVER ARTIST: Lucas Meyer

    SCRIPT EDITS: Cynna Ael PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: July 28, 2021 DIAMOND ID: ******** GENRE: Action, Fantasy, Manga

    The cosmos are in chaos! The elder council of djinn must stop their rogue member, Abyss and his minions from granting wishes to mortals resulting in untold horrors. The councils solution is an early prison release for Zara, the Djinn Hunter. With her phoenix parole officer, Bennu, will she hunt down the mad djinn or doom the realms to destruction?
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  • Devil's Dominion is listed in Comic Book Resources 10 Indie Comics To Read In 2021 | CBR Limtied to 500 copies

    STORY: Brian Hawkins PENCILS: Raffaele Forte

    INKER: Sara Ianniello COLORS: Carolina Pontes LETTERING: Justin Birch COVER ARTISTS: Igor Vitorino

    COVER COLORIST: Lorenzo Berdondini

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: December 30, 2020 DIAMOND ID: OCT201263 GENRE: Action, Fantasy, Horror

    Devlynn St. Paul sold her soul to the Devil to stop the horror being done to her by her brother. However, Devlynn reneged on the deal and now uses her demonic powers to hunt others who are demon possessed and have lost control of their lives. We all have demons!

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  • STORY/ART: Scott McDaniel INKS: Andy Owens COLORS: Teodoro Gonzalez LETTERING: Taylor Esposito

    Published: June 21, 2017 Diamond ID: APR171375 GENRE: Drama, Suspense

    Bank Information Technology expert Evan Adonis suffers vicious retaliation at the hands of bank management, and is hunted by agents relentlessly pursuing the dangerous software he unknowingly unleashed. In the internally corrupt world of modern banking, the I.T. expert is both the most powerful asset and the most hunted liability.

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    Writer: Carmen Guasco ART: Rodrigo Rocha COLORS: Carlos López LETTERING: Leo McGovern COVER ARTIST: Tiago da Silva

    Published: August 28, 2024 DIAMOND ID: JUN241513 GENRE: Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Western

    A dark gloom overshadows the town of Bannack where the clouds seem to be an omen of death. Recently deceased but no longer among the dead, Clay is back and out for vengeance.
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    Writer: Brian Hawkins ART: Débora Caritá COLORS: Danny Chaves LETTERING: Micah Myers COVER ARTIST: Débora Caritá

    Published: January 31, 2024 DIAMOND ID: NOV231314 GENRE: Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Action, Drama

    Jace takes a chance with Dr. Mercer and discovers something devastating; afterwards, despite Uncle Sal's concerns, Jace continues to push his empath powers to the limits to track down the serial date rapist that got away.
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    Writer: Brian Hawkins ART: Débora Caritá COLORS: Peter Pantazis LETTERING: Micah Myers COVER ARTIST: Débora Caritá

    Published: December 27, 2023 DIAMOND ID: OCT231576 GENRE: Thriller, Urban Fantasy, Action, Drama

    Jace is thrown into a whirlwind of a fight when he tries to stop a serial date rapist from claiming another victim; Dr. Mercer and Jace's paths cross and their connection grows deeper.
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