A comedic duo on the hunt for answers to their new found super powers, unravel the mystery of a seedy underworld of criminal activity in the heart of New York.

  • BIGS and TINY featured on SYFY WIRE's Indie Comics Spotlight Bigs 'N Tiny is the powered buddy comedy you need right now (syfy.com)

    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: June 2020 DIAMOND ID: APR201708 GENRE: Action, Comedy

    A comedic duo, on the hunt for answers to their newfound super powers, unravel the mystery of a seedy underworld of criminal activity in the heart of New York.

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  • BIGS and TINY featured on SYFY WIRE's Indie Comics Spotlight Bigs 'N Tiny is the powered buddy comedy you need right now (syfy.com)

    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    Publisher, Creator and Editor: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: August 2020 DIAMOND ID: JUN200994 GENRE: Action, Comedy

    A comedic duo, on the hunt for answers to their newfound super powers, unravel the mystery of a seedy underworld of criminal activity in the heart of New York.

    Buy Digital on ComiXology
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  • BIGS and TINY featured on SYFY WIRE's Indie Comics Spotlight Bigs 'N Tiny is the powered buddy comedy you need right now (syfy.com)

    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: September 2020 DIAMOND ID: JUL201102 GENRE: Action, Comedy

    The comedic duo of Santino Lugo and Bryan Clay are still on the hunt to figure out how they ended up with super powers, while becoming fast friends. The action doesn't stop on the quest for answers.

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  • BIGS and TINY featured on SYFY WIRE's Indie Comics Spotlight Bigs 'N Tiny is the powered buddy comedy you need right now (syfy.com)

    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: October 2020 DIAMOND ID: AUG201231 GENRE: Action, Comedy

    The comedic duo of Santino Lugo and Bryan Clay are still on the hunt to figure out how they ended up with super powers, while becoming fast friends. The action doesn't stop on the quest for answers.

    Buy Digital on ComiXology
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  • BIGS and TINY featured on SYFY WIRE's Indie Comics Spotlight Bigs 'N Tiny is the powered buddy comedy you need right now (syfy.com)

    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: October 2020 DIAMOND ID: SEP201146 GENRE: Action, Comedy

    Bryan and Santino find themselves in Police Custody with their new ally, Karen, which seems like the safest place to be when a crime syndicate is out for blood.

    Buy Digital on ComiXology
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    STORY: Ramel Hill ART: Federico Sabbatini  COLORS: Andrea Celestini LETTERING: Ed Dukeshire

    PUBLISHER, CREATOR and EDITOR: Dimitrios Zaharakis

    Published: September 1, 2019 GENRE: Comedy, Action

    After two strangers were experimented on they become best friends when one saves the other. They decide to join forces to take on this unknown secret group and their new super humans.

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