Project Description

Born in S. Maria Capua Vetere in 1987, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and the Scuola Italiana di Comix. He works as a draftsman for newspapers and publishing houses such as La Repubblica, Marotta & Cafiero and Douglas Edizioni. In 2017 he participated in the exhibition “77 Anno Cannibale” at PAN with the history of Bologna 10:25. In 2020 he designed “Fratelli di Libertà” for historic italian magazine “Lanciostory” (Editoriale Aurea). From January 2021 he is part of the collective “I Balordi”. In 2021 he starts working for the American publishers Ovation Comics and Blackbox Comics.
In his personal works published on the web, a boundless passion for grotesque, surreal and horror art is evident, in particular for comics that are part of this type of imagery.